Being loud and proud in our desire for change in our industry and beyond
Multicultural Network launch reverse mentoring sessions across the firm
These mentoring sessions were designed and run by members of our Multicultural Network, to highlight issues often faced by black and ethnic minority employees. The discussions were with senior members of the firm and revolved around pronounciation, career progression and how cultural backgrounds play a big part in how individuals approach certain tasks in the office.
Wellbeing Network arrange a nutrition and wellbeing talk
Joined by Jonny Landells from Next Step Nutrition, discussions covered an array of topics including maintaining healthy habits through lockdown, managing time for fitness with homeschooling, working from home and life stressors and more.
LGBT+ Network launch reverse mentoring programme with Partner Champions
The sessions took place to help people better understand LGBT issues. .
LGBT+ Network celebrate LGBT history month social
We had a virtual social and all attendees brought a fact they didn't know before. It was an opportunity for LGBT+ staff, partner champions and allies to get together and discuss the importance of LGBT history and all learn a little something in an informal setting.
International Women's Day
Our Women's Network celebrated International Women's Day with the 'Choose To Challenge' campaign where people across the firm made pledges to tackle gender inequality on social media. The firm also raised money for The Marylebone Project and Trinity Winchester Women Services.
Virtual Q&A with Debrorah Francis-White
Following International Women's Day, our Women's Network hosted a virtual Q&A with Debrorah Francis-White, known for her award winning podcast The Guilty Feminist.
TED talk viewing on violence against women
In the wake of the murder of Sarah Everard our Women's Network hosted a TED talk viewing on the issues of violence against women and discussed what society needs to do to combat it.
Wellbeing Network get LCP signed up as a "disability confident" committed employer
The government's Disability Confident scheme supports employers to make the most of the talents disabled people can bring to the workplace.
LGBT+ network sign up to LGBT Great's inaugural mentoring programme for the investment and savings industry
LCP sign up to the 10,000 Black Interns initiative
10,000 Black Interns seeks to offer 2,000 internships each year for five consecutive years and partners with firms across many sectors. The programme looks to transform the horizons and prospects of young black people in the UK.
Mental Health Awareness Week
Our Wellbeing Network kicked off a 3 week 'Lets talk about Mental Health' series to reflect on the challenges and successes of the past year and how the firm has responded to these.