Making positive progress

Over half of speakers at our annual DC conference this year were women

Review of all our internal policies to ensure that they are all LGBT + inclusive

Celebrated International Women's Day
As a firm we took part in the #balanceforbetter campaign.

Wellbeing & Multicultural Networks launch
We launched two new employee led networks. Our Multicultural Network was set up to promote a race-inclusive culture in the firm and our Wellbeing Network is committed to helping those who work at LCP lead healthier and happier lives.

Blindspots mini-guide launched by the Multicultural network
The Multicultural Network launched a 'Blindspots mini guide.' This guide has been designed to help people understand biases and how to overcome them.

44% of our partners, senior consultants and principals that were promoted this year were women

'An audience with' internal event on how to achieve a balance between work and home

Women’s Network hosts another successful external social event

LGBT+ Network hosts rainbow day fundraiser for AKT
LGBT+ Network hosted a fundraiser day for charity, the Albert Kennedy Trust, which supports young homeless LGBT people. The 'rainbow day' involved a cake sale and people wearing bright colours.

Wellbeing Network launched meat-free Mondays
The Wellbeing Network launched Meat Free Mondays back in 2019. This involved sharing recipes on the firm's intranet weekly to help people who wanted to cut down their meat consumption whether it was for environmental, animal welfare or health reasons. It has also encouraged others to expand their cooking repertoire.

For the first time, LCP marched at Pride. 35 partners and staff marched in the parade

The Wellbeing Network survey
The Wellbeing Network conducted a firm wide survey to understand colleagues’ wellbeing priorities, interests and understanding of areas such as mental health, disability and neurodiversity.

The Wellbeing Network undertook a hydration challenge to encourage employees to drink more water

The Partner Champion campaign was launched
This is an individual commitment made by senior leaders to challenge barriers to D&I, with each individual choosing to be a visible advocate for one of our four networks.

D&I training for graduates
Training in Diversity & Inclusion was added as a module to the graduate training programme, to ensure that graduates understand the importance of the issue to the firm.

Inclusive leadership half day training course rolled out to all Partners

Mental Health Awareness Week
The Wellbeing Network established a discussion forum for mental health issues to tie in with Mental Health Awareness Week.

Women's Talent Academy launched
We launched our first Women's Talent Academy, which is a unique undergraduate mentorship programme, giving access to an exclusive network of women working within investment consulting.

Contribution to Diversity award
LCP won the award for Contribution to Diversity at the Women in Insurance Awards, recognising how far the firm has come.