What have we learned in 2020 about manager skill?
Matt Gibson asks what we can learn about asset manager performance from the extreme volatility we’ve seen in 2020.
Getting the balance right
Nikki Matthews describes the power of automated behaviours like simple rebalancing in a world driven by psychology and noise.
When great minds don’t think alike: Avoiding Zoomthink
Zoe Burdo gives some insight into the dangers of groupthink and how we’ve seen it play out this year.
What can the price of a Big Mac tell you about currency hedging?
Jacob Shah explains the unlikely link between one of the world's most popular burgers and currency exchange rates.
Aligning with Paris: What’s your plan?
Claire Jones tackles a bigger question that is increasingly on investors’ minds: how can investment portfolios become more aligned with the climate goals of the Paris Agreement?
The Big Debate: Is 'value investing' dead?
In our “big debate”, Max Natasi-Grace and Stephen Budge take on the classic debate: Is value investing dead or alive?